Current Team Projects

Fall 2013: "The Grandest of Canyons"

After a summer of Running Free, in which neither Matt or Dan ran in an official race, (but both ran a lot in some beautiful new places), the boys are back at it, preparing for a South Rim to North Rim to South Rim one day push of the Grand Canyon.  This 42-mile, self-inflicted jaunt through one of the country's most stunning landscapes, might be their toughest endurance running challenge to date. Their fingers are crossed for cool temperatures sans snow during the early November adventure.

If you haven't already, feel free to show these runners some support by donating to help fund the Lymphedema Treatment Act. If you donated to the Winter/Spring 2013 campaign, please don't feel any obligation to donate again, but definitely watch our progress, say hello, and like us on Facebook . . . let us know that you're still out there rooting for us.

Spring 2013: "The State Park 50ks"

While quite bummed they didn't run together, Daniel and Matt Gray signed up for separate 50k ultras in near-by state parks that they love to explore.  Matt's Golden Gate Canyon Dirty Thirty 50K in Colorado and Daniel's Anza Borrego Oriflamme 50k in California, kept both runners focused on their endurance and training after the BLU 50 in March. Both races tested the runners' endurance limits with lots of elevation gain and loss on each course . . . much different (and probably more difficult) than their Innaugural 50 mile race.

If you haven't already, feel free to show these runners some support by donating to help fund the Lymphedema Treatment Act. If you donated to the March 16th campaign, please don't feel any obligation to donate again, but definitely watch our progress, say hello, and like us on Facebook . . . let us know that you're still out there rooting for us.

Winter 2013: "Our First Event"

The Lymphedema Awareness Team recently completed its inaugural event: a multi-location run on March 16th. 

Daniel Gray and Matt Gray tested their limits in the 50-mile  Beyond Limits Ultra (BLU) in Gardner Valley, California. Daniel placed 8th and Matt placed 10th (while not out-running his brother, he won his age category).

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